AMADEUS Alumni Update from Central European University
At AMADEUS Vienna we believe it is important to stay in contact with our Alumni and follow their educational and career paths as they develop. This week, we share an update on one of our students who graduated last year:
Experiencing University
Marija graduated with the class of 2020. She always enjoyed living in Vienna and did not want to move once she had left AMADEUS Vienna. With this in mind, she applied to Central European University (CEU), to the CPS (Culture, Politics, Society) faculty. This is an experimental BA programme since before that, CEU only existed as an MA and Ph.D. university. Marija joined the first year of undergraduates at CEU and is leading the way as a dedicated university student. Although the work is tough, she is enjoying her new experiences.
The Central European University (CEU) is a new addition to Vienna’s growing list of international universities. CEU opened its doors to its new campus in Vienna in 2019 and is located in Favoriten, a wonderfully multicultural district in Vienna. The university is dedicated to high-quality teaching and research and focuses on socially and morally responsible intellect and inquiry. Much like the IB, CEU promotes values of open society and self-reflective critical thinking. CEU is a new model of international education, that has a transdisciplinary view of education where more than one subject is combined with others to make a more holistic education that respects human rights and human dignity.
Planning for the future
Marija is already planning ahead with her university career, she mentioned:
“I fully enjoy the transdisciplinary approach the university uses to explore, introduce and educate liberal arts. It provides a lot of freedom and opportunity to find yourself within the academic field. For example, this year I had both Computer Science and Legal Studies (the diversity of courses is pretty obvious here). I get a lot of support and feedback from the Professors, and I finally started to realize I feel something for jurisprudence. So I hope to get into MA for the legal studies department in CEU in the future.”
We wish Marija all the best in her bright future and hope to see her on our campus again soon for a visit.
Learn more
If you would like to find out more about CEU please have a look at their website here.
You can also find more AMADEUS alumni stories here in the column to the right, or visit our Alumni page.
Alumni Series
Are you interested in learning more about our alumni and where they went to study after graduating from AMADEUS?
Check out the Alumni Series below!