A Fun and Active Summer Project Week
This week, our Secondary students went on a Summer Project Week for three days.
The focus of these days is to give our students an opportunity for experiential learning. Therefore, we organised a lot of different outdoor activities in Vienna’s beautiful nature. Thankfully, the weather turned out to be perfect for a Summer Project Week!
Tuesday and Wednesday, we travelled to Strandbad Gansehaufel by Alte Donau, where students were participating in various activities. For example, we went stand up paddling, kayaking, swimming, beach volleyball, basketball and team-building games. Thursday, we went to Potzleinsdorfer Park where we engaged in a variety of activities and games. The day was rounded off with a nice outdoor lunch at the AV campus.
Such fun and active days were exactly what we needed after a long period with online learning and quarantine. However, the summer project week is much more than a few days with nice activities. Through the activities, we aim to build:
personal and social skills, such as collaboration, adaptability and leadership, through taking students outside the classroom in experiential learning situations.
a better appreciation of the beauty and wonder of Austrian nature by getting students outside the classroom and disconnecting from technology.
an awareness of the environment and appreciation for sustainability through experiencing nature.
Thank you for some fun days, we hope it gave you some inspiration for an active summer holiday!
If you would like to read about our Winter Project Week where we went skiing, click here.